ive been playing kingdom hearts days (proud mode because i want more leech grave trauma) lately since i FINALLY got past the trailing pete mission. it was driving me a little apeshit for a while but on day 117 now. i love the characters so stupid much lol. roxas's character is so fun with his noisy not-even-a-year-old self and/or his absolute raging adhd and autism lmao. forgets what happened literally 5 seconds. me too, roxas honey. i got some cheat-y codes that allow you to play as other characters, and i am Living being able to play as xion in the main game. sucks that during the sections where she doesnt have the kyblade, she just literally Cant wield it, and i shake my fist at the code lol.
days' story makes my brain melt in heartbreak. and the dialogue really is delightful, i wish i could manage to sit down and watch the days movie, but the kh movie things tend to be too slow for my adhd ass. i would love to hear a lot of the exchanges voice acted, from “roxas thats a stick” to roxas whining over demyx while xion and axel defend demyx's honor with their fuckin lives lmao. i related a lot to xion and roxas growing up (and axel. and i still do relate to em all) so during the rough year long and counting i've been going through, this has been a very cathartic game to play.
if i can figure out how to get screenshots off my 3ds, i'll post some of the cuter ones i took (lots of clocktower, xion and roxas holding xion's keyblade together). also maybe i'll work up the guts to write the silly days/ducktales fanfic we frantic fanfic'd a while back. roxas and gyro is funny. im very simple lol.
i wish i had more to say about days but i just popped out last night and decided to write this whole ass post like 20 minutes ago or smth. idk ok byeeee matteo signing offf kisses
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